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Sunrock vs moonrock weed

Sunrock VS Moonrock – What are Moonrocks? Moon Rocks can reach up to 51.2% THC, making just one puff absolutely devastating and capable of putting even the most experienced smokers in their place. It’s not necessary to use any strain in particular to make these, although it’s recommended to use strain’s that are particularly high in THC. How are Moonrocks Made? These Moon Rocks are quite easy to make, although they require certain elements that only the most professional of growers or people in certain cannabis organizations have access to. You’ll need cannabis oil which you’ll have to use to cover the bud, creating a layer of what seems like honey around the bud. Then, you’ll need to apply a layer of kief which will leave the bud looking quite sandy. The bad side to Moon Rocks is that you can’t actually see the bud, so it’s pretty easy to make fake ones and the consumer who buys them won’t even realize until they open up the bud. It’s as easy as grabbing some bad bud, cover it in any kind of oil and roll it in bad hash, making it look exactly like a Moon Rock but unfortunately not even smokeable. Many Moon Rock vendors don’t allow you to open the bud before buying it, so in areas where it’s legal to buy we recommend only buying Moon Rocks at reputable dispensaries. Sunrock VS Moonrock – What are Sunrocks? Sun Rocks are a more recent appearance, meaning that they’re an improved version of the latter, reaching THC levels of over 80%. They’ve also improved considerably in appearance; at long distances they look like normal buds. However, if you look closely you can see that the outside layer is made up of various extractions. How are sunrocks made? These buds have a slightly different formula; for starters, everything used in the bud comes from the same strain, which is usually OG Kush. The first step is choosing a decent bud and getting some BHO extract; make sure to get maximum purity and the least amount of contaminants possible. Then, pick another but and spread the BHO over it thinly, so that it can’t be seen unless you’re really inspecting the bud. Apart from having an extremely high potency, the taste is also a lot more intense, offering a more pleasing experience than just smoking straight BHO; you can smoke a joint comfortably instead of just one devastating drag, making for an amazing mental effect as well as a delicious taste experience. Conclusion Hopefully this brief explanation on Sunrocks VS Moonrocks will help you on your journey through the world of cannabis; keep your head up and make sure that nobody tries to pull one over on you with fake moonrocks or sunrocks – see you next time!


How to Store Bulk Weed

Are there better ways that lead to better bulk weed? Are there better ways that lead to better bulk weed? Does cured bulk weed get better with age? Is there a most amount of time a grower can store bulk weed? Continue reading and learn more! Containers for Bulk Weed The first question to discuss – how much bulk weed needs to be stored? Speaking from experience at a commercial grow in Denver, there we’re hundreds of pounds being harvested every few weeks. Each strain was stored in a large, black bin with the yellow lid. Easy to find on the marketplace. Although these bins aren’t the first recommendation, they certainly hold a ton. If you want your container to be absolutely airtight, go for mason jars. This feature is clutch during curing because direct air will affect your cannabis and dry it out. One thing to consider — you can the bulk mass amounts of weed into the black bins until it is ready. The mason jars require several more for bulk but the final quality will be better. If you have ample space, stick with the mason jars. But if not, the bins will get the job done. Proper Conditions for Storing Weed Upon determining where it should go, you have to ask yourself about the conditions. Consider temperature, humidity, and lighting – they all play a factor. Temperature The best curing comes when the room is set to 70 degrees. This has long been a practice by growers. If slightly different, it won’t ruin your cannabis. Humidity The humidity is best set to 60-65% on a dehumidifier that keeps control. Some growers like to start around 40-50% first and ease into it. You will need a dehumidifier if running a commercial grow. Different sizes cover different room sizes appropriately, so do the math before spending thousands. For smaller and home grows, adding humidity can be done in different ways. The actual humidity will depend on the legal state where you are growing. The dryness of Colorado won’t match that damp, Massachusetts air. Spend a few bucks on a decent hygrometer and decide the humidity of your grow. Lighting Darker places are best for curing. Store your bulk weed in a room that goes dark once the door is closed. This will help keep the temperature on point as we’ll. In my last commercial grow, our black bins we’re being stored in our vault near the center of the building. Sunlight didn’t exist, nor did it matter considering the blackout of the bins themselves. But what about mason jars? They 100% clear and won’t stop any light. In this case, store the jars in a dark spot for sure. The less light, the better. Storing copious amounts of cannabis in low-key places is smarter in general, aka don’t be loud about it.

Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or brand new to the world of weed, cannabis specials are a great way to get more bang for your buck and explore everything that Terps Cannabis has to offer!

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